One Teen Boys Bedroom Redux That Was WAY Overdue

Now, I will be the first to admit that, at the Shaw house, bedrooms have always been on the bottom of my design-y to do list.  I do love my children, but they did not grow up in the design blog era in which their bedrooms were ever-changing magical  places of meticulous design fashioned extravagance at the mercy of my ever-changing updated Pinterest pages.   A bed, a dresser, a lamp (but not necessarily a working lamp) and their imagination was what they had to work with.  When friends came over, it was not to have a design charette, I’ll just put it that way!

With that being said, on your mark, get set, GO!  I’m getting ready to start on Jaiden’s  bedroom.   When we moved into our house 3 years ago, he was still 1 of 3 kids living at home, sharing a room with his older brother and was just finishing middle school.  He has never really had his own room, making his own statement.  I think the time is overdue and so let’s just do it.

paint palette via sherwin williams, images assorted from pixelbay

As I began thinking about doing this, I approached this room re-do the same way I start all my new projects…with an interview.   Talking things out and setting goals is always my first step towards a design.  Jai and I spent a couple of hours just chatting about what he likes, what he wants his room to be, and what places make him feel good.  Through this process I learned a lot about this young man who I thought I knew well to begin with.  It was neat to hear his thoughts and get an idea what he likes and what he doesn’t.  For instance, I discovered just how much he really does not like mid-century modern details.  I was a bit shocked.  I was a bit hurt.  But he’s young, ya’ll.  I can still mold him and teach him good design taste! There’s still time.

We looked through some pictures on Pinterest and Houzz and I began to identify the constants that seemed to catch his eye.  Eventually, he asked if I would put together a plan and concept board for him.  I told him it would cost him $120/hour.  He negotiated a friends and family discount and off I went to put together a look for his new room.

via ispydiy, muralswallpaper, and simplygrove via instagram

The design went through a couple of revisions.  Let’s just say that my son, come to find out, has opinions.  He was acting like a real client, and not the ‘I’ll just do whatever you say because I completely trust you’ kind of client, either.  He was engaged and full of input.  I showed him the design that I’d come up with based on the things we had talked about and he gave me feedback on color and leg styles.  Apparently, nothing with “Flutesy” legs would do, (try figuring that one out!) and we ultimately developed a design that he (and I) both got excited about.  As a kid growing up in a designer’s house, he was very adamant that things looked good but didn’t come across as ‘intimidating or too designed.’  He really didn’t want his room to be designer-y…I’ll do my best but… come on man!

Eventually, this is what we came up with…

plan by shawsquaredesign




Style Goals: This is the look and feel of the room.

  • Quite

  • Peaceful

  • Inviting, but not to everyone

  • Dark but not dreary

  • Natural with greens and plants

  • Kind of beachy, but not seashells.

  • Not rustic

  • Not industrial

  • Not granny.

  • Looks good but not over designed

  • Restful like being in the woods

Function Goals:  This is how the room is used everyday

  • Not cluttered

  • No floating shelves

  • Things need to be easy to find

  • Have a place to read/work on a laptop-usually on the bed

  • no bright lights

  • Duh, Mom, Sleep

  • A purposeful place for everything.  No random horizontal places to just pile things up for months on end (I put this last one in, not Jai…full disclosure!)


concept 3D rendering
final draft of design concept board after Jai’s input…NOTE: no flutesy legs

This is where we are starting, ya’ll.  I think this room is going to be awesome and I am so excited to work through this process with Jai.  I’ll keep you posted on the progress and how this whole thing comes together in the end.

To see the next step, click here!  READ MORE

Go to Instagram @shawsquaredesign and follow the adventure of shawsquare design.  share your home with me at #shawsquarehomeshare.  if you have a design snag or question and let’s find a solution.  Share your kid’s room success stories or What-The-hecks in the comments below.  I would love to see what you are doing in your home!