New Modern Eclectic: 6 Tips to Simple Mixing

via Pinterest,, Jessica Bingham

A little old, a little new. the most up to date blend of eclectic design is ironically minimal.

Most of us don’t want to be defined by a single style.  We want to be defined by our own style.  For a long time, we designers have lumped style mishmash under the title ‘eclectic.’  When I am working with clients, and I ask what style they are, if they don’t know, the go to response is usually, ‘eclectic.’  In the design world the term eclectic has come to mean ‘no style’ or ‘I don’t know’ style.  Well I am here to tell you that the new modern eclectic is not only a WOW style but a very purposeful and direct style.  Call it a KNOW style.

Incorporating various design styles and elements into a seamless room looks deceptively simple.  Simple ain’t easy gang, but oh it feels so very good!  Here are a few tips to make modern eclectic work without the cluttered chaos.

via Julie Gerstein, The Frisky

Let it go! There is just something marvelous about giving yourself permission to let it all go and pare down to what is joyful and important.  As I get older, I find that I don’t want all the crap around me.  When I come home, I want only the things I love to surround me.  I want the things that make me feel amazing to surround me.  If something doesn’t accomplish that, it’s ok to let it go (Greg,you are safe for now!)  There’s a bazillion books and blogs out there that preach this point.  For many of us, we are working from a point of over accessorized, kid dominated, snooty design magazine brainwash and we just need to let it go.


via Apartment Therapy

Tell your eclectic story.  This is important.  Not everything has to come from a showroom.  Do you have to get rid of that pig Jaiden made in 6th grade ceramics to get your new look.  NO.  If Jaiden’s pig makes you happy, keep it.  It’s a story.  If you don’t have a story, make one up!  You are eclectic because you love different things all mixed together.  I mean seriously, Google the word eclectic.  It totally means just that.  When you are updating your room, you don’t have to lose the mixes of colors, textures, style, or personality that makes your home YOU.  You just want to be purposeful about how you mix it up.


via, Pinterest, Pinterest

Be purposeful about it how you mix it up.  Now that you have cleansed and purged the negative stuff, taken inventory of the things that tell your story, the next step is to plan for placement.  Ask ALL the questions and answer them honestly.  Who? What? When? Where? How? Who am I creating this space for?  What do I love about this room?  What drives me nuts about it? What do I need that I don’t have?  What do I have that I don’t need? When am I most at happy here?  Where can I move the TV?  Where does everyone sit? How much do I want to invest in any changes? Take some time to really think about the answers. Write down your thoughts. You will find a new sense of purpose in your room and more clarity in the direction that you are heading. Sometimes just asking the question gives us the right direction.


via Becki Owens
via luckypennyblog
via Becki Owens, Jessica Bringham, Apartment Therapy

Create a blank canvas.  With so many pieces that tell so many stories all at the same time, start your new eclectic vibe with a crisp, clean canvas.  Keep wall colors simple and only use accent walls on a need to paint basis.  If you are dying to create an accent wall, think about bringing in a texture material such as brick, stone or plank.  If color is your thing, go big or go home.  Single color, deep dramatic focal walls are trending rather than multiple colors in one room. Keep in mind, color can be the new neutral.



 Mix it up!  This is where the fun begins.  Your grandma will tell you that all your woods must be the same, all your metals must match your doorknobs.  Sorry Granny!  That just ain’t the case.  Mix it up.  You’ve already been doing it as an eclectic, but you’ve done it without confidence.  Look the design world square in the face and go ahead and mix your colors, mix your wood tones and dare I say it, mix up those metals.  Attention: Snotty designer note ahead:  ‘mix it’ don’t vomit.  Be mindful.  Successful eclectic mixing is an art.  You still need to keep in mind good design practice.  Think compliments and contrasts then push the envelope.  If you have a reason why behind your choices, you won’t go wrong.


Work from the ground up.  Layer your pieces in.  Look at your space and start with the floor.  Place your rug, move up to tables for function.  Look at your lighting for reading, watching TV, having a conversations.  Fill in the gaps with color and texture via funky pillows or throws.  Add an ottoman or pouf for additional seating or storage.  Don’t forget to go vertical with your artwork to create volume in your room.  Add the last layer of accessories and greenery.  No English Ivy here please.  I have nothing against ivy, but a well-placed succulent, grass, or air plant instead adds some much-needed update to your room.  Finally, Place the pig.  See!  I did find a home for Jaiden’s pig!  Go Mom!

Share with me your favorite eclectic moments on Instagram with #shawsquaredesign
