
Welcome to ShawSquare Design!  I am Sonja and I am so glad you found your way here.   I love interior design and I must warn you; I love sharing ideas and inspirations.  Creating and claiming new spaces to gather, have a cup of coffee and make the world a more beautiful place to live is my passion.   For over a decade, I have had the privilege of creating those moments for clients in real homes with real people. 

 I am married to the man of my dreams and I have an amazing blended family which includes 3 grand babies and a lovable English Retriever that keep me remarkably busy.  I work full time as an Allied, ASID Interior Designer but after church on Sunday, you’ll most likely find me watching football-Go AZ Cardinals! – or hanging on the patio with my tribe.  Recently, my husband and I bought a fantastic Arizona 1970’s ranch house which we are making our own.  Construction dust is my favorite accessory.

I want to share with you the things that I believe can push ideas, dreams, and our homes to the next level.   To me, design is a process.  It’s the path that takes us from where we are to where we want to be.  My passion is being a part of that process and I am so excited that you found me.   I look forward to sharing our homes, our ideas, and our inspirations.

Find out  more about working together!